Measuring the size and growth of single cells An Gong, Mingwei Min. (2022) Biophysics Reports
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Temporal integration of mitogen history in mother cells controls proliferation of daughter cells
Mingwei Min, Yao Rong, Chengzhe Tian, Sabrina L. Spencer. (2020) Science

- PMID: 32241885
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- Spencer lab @ University of Colorado Boulder
Spontaneously slow-cycling subpopulations of human cells originate from activation of stress-response pathways
Mingwei Min, Sabrina L. Spencer. (2019) Plos Biology

- PMID: 30865623
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- Spencer lab @ University of Colorado Boulder
Ki67 is a Graded Rather than a Binary Marker of Proliferation versus Quiescence.
Iain Miller, Mingwei Min, Chen Yang, Chengzhe Tian, Sara Gookin, Dylan Carter, Sabrina L.Spencer. (2018) Cell Rep.

- PMID: 30067968
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- Spencer lab @ University of Colorado Boulder
A map of protein dynamics during cell-cycle progression and cell-cycle exit
Sara Gookin, Mingwei Min, Harsha Phadke, Mingyu Chung, Justin Moser, Iain Miller, Dylan Carter, Sabrina L.Spencer. (2017) PLOS Biol.

- PMID: 28892491
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- Spencer lab @ University of Colorado Boulder
UBE2O remodels the proteome during terminal erythroid differentiation
Anthony T Nguyen, Miguel A Prado, Paul J Schmidt, Anoop K Sendamarai, Joshua T Wilson-Grady, Mingwei Min, Dean R Campagna, Geng Tian, Yuan Shi, Verena Dederer, Mona Kawan, Nathalie Kuehnle, Joao A Paulo, Yu Yao, Mitchell J Weiss, Monica J Justice, Steven P Gygi, Mark D Fleming, Daniel Finley. (2017) Science

- PMID: 28774900
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- Finley lab @ Harvard medical school
Efficient APC/C substrate degradation in cells undergoing mitotic exit depends on K11 ubiquitin linkages
Mingwei Min, Tycho Mevissen, Maria De Luc, David Komander, Catherine Lindon. (2015) Mol. Biol. Cell

- PMID: 26446837
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- Lindon lab @ University of Cambridge
Using in vivo biotinylated ubiquitin to describe a mitotic exit ubiquitome from human cells
Mingwei Min, Ugo Mayor, Gunnar Dittmar, Catherine Lindon. (2014) Mol. Cell. Proteomics

- PMID: 24857844
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- Lindon lab @ University of Cambridge
Ubiquitination site preferences in anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) substrates
Mingwei Min, Ugo Mayor, Catherine Lindon. (2013) Open Biol.

- PMID: 24004664
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- Lindon lab @ University of Cambridge