The Min Lab welcomes people of any race, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, caregiver and family commitments, political affiliation, religion, and eligible age or ability.
Current Lab Members

Mingwei Min 闵明玮
Principal Investigator
min_mingwei (at)

Mingwei completed her PhD with Cath Lindon at the University of Cambridge, UK in 2014. Her PhD work focus on the regulation of protein degradation when cells finish division and start to build new daughter cells. She then moved across the pond to the US and did a postdoc with Dan Finley at the Harvard Medical School, where she studied the biochemistry of red blood cell differentiation. Drawn by the fascinating live-cell imaging techniques (as well as the gorgeous Rocky Mountain), she joined Sabrina Spencer’s lab at the University of Colorado-Boulder in 2016, to investigate how cells choose between proliferation and quiescence.
In 2020, she became a Principal Investigator in the Center of Cell Lineage and Atlas (CCLA), at Bioland Laboratory, Guangzhou, China. The lab has been transferred to the Guangzhou Laboratory since July 2021.

Chan Feng 冯婵
Lab Manager/Research Assistant
Chan Feng earned her master degree from the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine in June 2020. Her postgraduate work mainly focused on the isolation and identification of secondary metabolites from marine microorganisms. After graduation, she worked in scientific research management in a biopharmaceutical company. She joined the Min Lab in December 2021 as the lab manager, where she will also learn cell biology.
Mengdan completed her PhD at Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (Chinese Academy of Sciences) in June 2020. Her PhD work was mainly focused on the function of small molecular, such as Vitamin A and Vitamin C, in somatic cells reprogramming and mesenchymal-to-epithelial (MET) during the cell fate transition. For her postdoc work, Mengdan will study the role of cell cycle regulation in reprogramming at the single-cell level.
An Gong majored in materials science and engeering during his undergraduate study. He was admitted as a master student to Aiguo Wu’s biomaterials group at Ningbo Institute of Materials and Technology (Chinese Academy of Sciences) in 2011, where he gained some experience on synthesis of contrast angents for bio-medical imaging. His growing interest on biophysics drove him to research center casear (Bonn, Germany) in 2014. At caesar, he worked on characterizing sperm sensory-motor loop and measuring sperm 3D motility with holography under the supervision of Prof. Benjamin Kaupp and Dr. Luis Alvarez. After finishing his interdisciplinary research training in 2020, he joined the Min Lab as a postdoc.

Xinyi Wang 王鑫怡
PhD student
Xinyi earned her master degree at Southwest University (Chongqing, China) in 2020. She did her graduate work at the State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome Biology, where she focused on unraveling the mechanism of the innate immune signaling - how Drosophila STING (dSTING) activates Relish to mediate antiviral immune response. She joined the Min Lab as the lab manager in July 2020. After finding her passion in cell biology, she switched her role to a research assistant to study ES cell full time. She starts her PhD in the Min lab in fall 2022.

Chuncao Deng 邓春草
PhD student
Chuncao completed her Master in June 2018 at Sichuan University, where her major was Forensic Genetics. She focused on X chromosomal recombination for forensic purpose, which initially inspired her interest in cell biology. In November 2019, she worked as a research assistant in the Bioland Laboratory, and participated in SARS-CoV-2 related projects. In September 2021, she joined the Min Lab to work on cell fate transitions. She became a PhD student in fall 2022.

Hong Fu 付洪
PhD student
Hong Fu earned his master degree in June 2021 at Southwest Jiaotong University.His work focused on the roles of LncRNA RMRP in osteoblast differentiation.After graduation, he continue his research still in the same lab. He joined in Min Lab in July 2022 as a research assistant.His work focus on cell fate transitions in ES cells. He became a PhD student in fall 2023.

Qingyang Sun 孙庆扬
Master student
Qingyang received her B.S. degree in biomedical engineering from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NUPT) in August 2021. She is now studying for a master’s degree in South China Normal University (SCNU). Qingyang joined the Min lab as a joined Master student in April 2022. Her current research focus on stress responses in a subpopulation of ES cells.

Zhishen Huang 黄志深
Research Assistant
Zhishen studied the interaction between virus and surface receptor of host cell for his Master thesis at Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences. He earned his master’s degree in 2021.6.After graduation, he worked in Jia-Xing Yue’s lab of Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center as a technician, studying genomic instability in yeast. He joined the Min lab in 2022.7.

Haishan Xiao 肖海善
Research Assistant
Haishan earned his master’s degree at Guangdong University of Technology in June 2023.His postgraduate work mainly focused on image reconstruction for sparse-angle CT.He joined Min Lab as a research assistant in July 2023, focusing on developing new tools for image segmentation, cell tracking and lineage construction in live-cell imaging.

Qi Li 李琦
Research Assistant
Qi Li earned her master’s degree at Nanning Normal University in 2023.She mainly focused on long-time behaviors and the bifurcation analysis of stochastic partial differential equations during the postgraduate period.In July 2023, Qi Li joined the min lab as a research assistant and currently focuses on modeling somatic reprogramming.

Xinyi Lu 陆心仪
Research Assistant
Lu, earned her master’s degree at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her project was about mechanism mediating a synergy therapy induced- DNA damage and cell death in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas using in-vivo and in-vitro models.After graduation, she stayed at the University of Michigan, focusing on G protein-coupled receptor using transgenic mice models. She never gives up any chance to do research and always has a belief in her mind which is doing things in good faith and with no expectation of reward.Now she is working in Min lab as a research assistant and researching on stem cells.

Yuan Li 李渊
PhD student
Yuan Li earned his master’s degree at the University of Science and Technology of China. After graduation, he worked in Hui Zheng’s lab at Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences as a research assistant, focusing on nerve cell fate decision and conversion.He joined the Min lab in Sept 2023 as a PhD student. His current research focused on alveolar regeneration.

Zhenzhu Sun 孙珍珠
Research Assistant
Zhenzhu obtained her master’s degree at Guangzhou Medical University in 2023.She completed her master’s training at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (Chinese Academy of Science), where she focused on ESCs’ metabolic changes and cell fate decisions.In January 2024, she joined the Min lab as a research assistant, focusing on basal stem cell lineage.

Yunxiao Wu 吴云萧
Research Assistant
Yunxiao received his bachelor’s degree in Electronic Information Engineering from Ningxia North Minzu University in June 2023.Yunxiao joined Min lab in May 2024 as a research Assistant.

Shichao Gao 高士超
Shichao holds a BS in Computer Science and Technology from Ludong University (Shandong, China). As an undergrad, he participated in researches on medical image processing and high-dimensional gene data analysis using machine learning approaches. After graduation, he joined Xiaojian Li’s lab in the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as a research assistant, where he worked on neural data analysis (two-photon calcium image processing, in vivo electrophysiology) and neural encoding for brain-computer interface. In Dec 2020, he joined the Min lab to develop live-cell imaging and single-cell omics tools for cell lineage tracing. He is also interested in exploring the prospect of these basic research tools in clinical and translational science. Shichao is now a graduate student in Washington University in St. Louis.

Jiasui Liu 刘佳穗
Jiasui Liu holds a Master of Engineering in biomedical engineering from the Cornell University since 2020. At Cornell, she worked on 2D ultrasound image processing and quantitative genomics study. These studies had stimulated her interest in bioimaging techniques. In Nov 2020, Jiasui Liu joined the Min lab as a Research Assistant and has greatly contributed to improving the image processing pipeline in the lab. Jiasui is now a PhD student in Martin Beck’s lab at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics.

Jiaming Guo 郭嘉明
Jiaming Guo earned his master degree at the South China University of Technology (SCUT) in August 2020. While at SCUT, he explore methods to improve ethanol production from rice straw. In September 2021, Jiaming joined the Min Lab as a Research Assistant, where he applies deep learning to cell biology research. Jiaming is now working with Cheerland Biotech.

Yuelan Zhao 赵跃岚
Yuelan graduated from Northwest A&F University majoring in biotechnology and joined Min Lab as an intern in April 2023.She is preparing for the master’s entrance exam.

Yuxia Zhang 张雨夏
Yuxia holds a Bachelor of Mathematics in Combinatorics & Optimization and Computational Mathematics from Unversity of Waterloo in Canada.In Oct 2023, Yuxia started a research internship at the Min Lab to develop differential equations models of somatic reprogramming, and algebraic and topological model of Gene Regulatory Networks.